S.V.G.M. Government Degree College, Kalyandurg,
Anantapur – 515 761, Andhra Pradesh
Department of Botany
Department Profile:
The Department of Botany was established in the year 1998. The Department offers undergraduate courses in combination with Zoology, Chemistry and Microbiology subjects in the three Majors as B.Sc. [Botany, Zoology and Chemistry – (B.Z.C.-E.M.)] and [Microbiology, Botany and Chemistry – (MB.B.C.-E.M.)]groups with a sanctioned strength of 40 (B.Z.C.) and 30 (MB.B.C.)students per batch. Under the NEP2020 program 4 year UG Honours coursewith I year B.Sc. – Botany Major program with an intake of 40 students was introduced from the Academic year 2023 – 2024.
The Department of Botany has two sanctioned posts. The Department has a spacious well-furnished and equipped practical laboratory for conducting practical experiments in Botany. The lab is well equipped with modern scientific equipment’s like Spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis kit, PCR kit, Soil testing kit, Colorimeter, Staining kits, Digital weighing machine, Digital pH meter, High speed centrifuge, Thermostatic water bath, Incubator, Thermostatic oven, simple and compound microscopes, all the modern lab glassware and chemicals. The Department also maintains a mini–Botanical Museum showcasing several plant specimens in the form of herbariums along withmany rare plant pods and seeds of medicinal importance.
The Department has an overhead projector (OHP) along with the white screen and Bio-visual chartsthat are used for teaching and seminars. The Department has a desktop computer, printer and internet facility for smooth departmental functioning. The Department also has one LCD projector for the smooth usage of ICT enabled education by the staff and students. The Botanical Garden with several rare and important medicinal plants isalso maintained by the department.A Verme-compost pit for producing organic manure and rainwater harvesting pits are also maintained by the department. The Department maintains a library for the benefit of staff and students with strong literature resource consisting of subject textbooks, various competitive exam preparation books and practical manuals of all the semesters and annual system.
The Department maintains MoU’s in collaboration with other institutions and colleges regarding many productive and mutual developmental aspects of staff and students. The Departmental staff actively participate and present papers in various international, national and state level conferences, seminars and workshops for enrichment of their subject knowledge. The Department has published several research articles and one book in international & national journals. Every year the Department conducts guest lectures to thestudents by inviting experts from various fields as resourced persons. The Departmental staff also extend their services to the students of other institutions by delivering extension lectures every year. The Department conducts Botanical tours and educational field trips every year to the students for enriching their practical and subject knowledge on plants and related aspects. The Department conducts many study projects and models that are carried out by the students to enhance their creative thinking. The Department every year rewards the Botany subject meritorious students with the cash prizes.
Departmental Teaching Staff:
Dr. P. Sashikiran, Dept. In charge cum Lecturer in Botany,
Mobile No.: 94405 44394
Email Id.: sashikiranbot@gmail.com
Sri. N. Nagamastanaiah, Lecturer in Botany,
Mobile No.: 99492 84418
Email Id.: nagamastan09@gmail.com
Department future plans :
1. Establishment of a Research Centre
2. Colabaration with Seed / Agricultural Industries
3. Introduction of PG course – M.Sc.(Botany)
4. Proposals for UGC sponsored Minor Research Projects