Student Centric Methods click here
Student Centric methods adapted by our faculty members
- Brain storming
- Mind mapping
- Comprehension check questions
- MCQs
- Picture / definition cues
- Jigsaw
- Picture definition
- Clozes
- Matching
- True – false
- Quiz
- Missing links/steps
- Naming parts
- Jumbled picture concept
- Classification table
- Compare & contrast
- Flash cards
- Gallery walk
- Exit slips/ cards
- Circle groups Q-A
- Cubing
- One sentence summary
- Writing frames
- Flow charts
- Open ended tasks
- Close ended tasks
- Performance tasks
- On Job Training
- Lab visits
- Community service projects
- Industrial visits
- Lab visits
- Socio economic surveys
Academic & Research based:
- Preparation of Charts/Clay or Thermocol Models
- Debates
- Essay Writing Competitions
- Group Discussions
- Departmental (Zoology) magazine
- Formation of Book clubs
- Animal album-making
- Viva-Voce
- Digital dissections
- Field Visit/Excursions/Zoological Tours
- submission of report
- Training at research centres
- Exposure to scientific instruments and hands- on experience
- Organization of first-aid camp
- Swachh Bharat
- cleanliness week
- girl-child importance
- Nutrition and health awareness etc.